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They once took a Portugal Woman, Miserable End of a young Woman. young, and very beautiful, whom the French, who were there, could not save from being eaten, and which was done in a strange manner; for assembling a Company of them together, in a Ring, in the midst of whom was set this poor young Woman, then having stript her stark naked, not at all regarding her Modesty, they viewed her from Head to Foot; and after having well consider'd her Delineaments, some commending one thing, and some another, they fell to howling and yelling like so many Devils; whereupon immediately, like a Company of hunger-starv'd Dogs, they fell upon this poor innocent Creature, and in less than two Minutes tore her into above a Thousand pieces, which they as suddenly swallow'd down. They are very Vindictive, never pardoning, but by force, and not of Goodwill. When the French arrive there, they give them their Daughters to lie [Page] withal, hoping they will give them something at their Departure.

We saw these Indians with two Wood to strike Fire. little pieces of Wood strike fire: I made the Experiment of it since to the late King Henry the Great at Fontainbleau, in the year 1605. All the Indians were run there from their Habitations, and had trimed up their Hammocks, or hanging Beds, made with Wreaths of Palm-Trees; and [Page 52] were in great numbers, Men, Women, and Children, all as naked as when they came out of their Mothers Bellies; except some Beads with which they decked their Bodies; and in their Ears they had long pieces of Wood and round Stones. They had brought a thousand Trifles, as Gumbs, Egrets Feathers, and Parrots, Tobacco, and other Things which the Country afforded. I did my Duty in Exchanging, and took as much of their Merchandize as I possibly could. We made our Bargains without speaking, Merchandize of the Country. shewing by signs what we would have, or give.

[Page 58] On Tuesday the 11th of April, I went to their Habitations to see if I could get any more Curiosities, taking some Knives, and other Pedlars-Ware, to exchange with them. Our Pilo [...] being with me, we went into a Cabin, where there were a great number of Indians, Men and Women; and there were amongst the rest some about 17 or 18 years of Age, pounding in a Mortar made of a hollow piece of Wood, with a long Stick. I also took a Stick to help her to Pound, of which she was very glad, seeing I understood the manner of Pounding after their way: And though she was Stark-Naked, she cared not for my being over against Innocent nakedn [...]ss of the [...] People. her. After that, she gathered us some Potato's, and besides those, gave us other Things to Eat, and all with an admirable Grace and Civility.

After that I passed by a Pagod or Temple, very well built, and entering therein I found one of the Natives stark-naked, adorning their Idol with Flowers, which had a Head like a [Page] Calf, when presently an old Woman amongst them cried out to me, Why I came in there with my Shooes; my Naique excused me in telling her that I knew not the Custom.

They have another sort of punishment which they call Pingar Viue, which Cruelty of the Portugals. is to drop Lard put into a red hot Pelle, upon the Body of the poor Patient, stark naked and lying upon his Belly. The Parents of these miserable Wretches are sorry they brought them into the World, to feel such Torments, which pierces them to the very Entrails.

To this I will add that of the Daughter of the King of Siam, who having a White Elephant, a thing very rare in the Indies, the King of Pegu his Neighbour, made cruel War upon him to have him, and had him in the end, overcoming Adventure of the Daughter of the King of Siam. this King of Siam, whose Daughter was taken in the War, and carried Captive to Goa, where I have often seen her, she being then not very [Page] young, and came to see my Hostess, who was a Chinese, for they were great Friends, and commonly Eat with us, comforting her self at the recital of her Miseries, and how she had been sold to a great Portugal Lord by one of those of Pegu, who had first taken away from her all her Jewels and precious Stones, she not being then above 8 or 9 years of Age; altho' great search had been every where made for her, but that the Soldier not having a mind to discover her, for fear of being constrained to restore all these Riches, had come to sell her to the Portugals, her Father's great Enemies, who also uses them no better when he can catch them: For some of them he causes to be put starknaked Cruelties of the King of Siam. in Frying-Pans of Copper, upon the Fire and thus to be roasted by little and little: Others he causes to be put betwixt two great Fires and set down, and thus to Die in Torments; others, he exposes in the Park of his Elephants to be crushed and knocked down by by them, and a thousand sorts of barbarous Cruelties, which he exercises upon these poor Portugals. 2ff7e9595c

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